Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Preggie in Melaka (Day 2)

Day 2 in Melaka… 

After breakfast in the hotel, we took a short walk towards Jonker Street since the photo-worthy landmarks are along the way… We had in plan to try the legendary Melaka Chicken Rice for lunch...

Dad-in-law in his two sons...

From my extensive research, there are a few chicken rice ball places that's touted to be good… 
Chung Wah Restaurant was one of them…. (As you can tell from the long queue)...

However, we decided to try the ones at Hoe Kee Restaurant (which according to some people tastes better)…. 

Randy and his sister, Cindy… I noticed from this photo that both have got the same chin! Oh, not to forget a headful of hair...
Food has arrived!!! Basically, there's only a few items on the menu… Nothing more… 

Assam Fish
Rice… (You can choose the rolled up ball-version or the usual plate-of-loose-rice version)
Each rice ball can fit the size of a tablespoon. Here's to give perspective of how small the rice balls are… You can pop them into your mouth like dumplings...
The verdict is Singaporean Chicken Rice win hands down! We dunno what's the jazz with the Melaka chicken rice, but there are many chicken rice stalls in Singapore that have gone to near perfection with theirs…

After that meal, we walked the malls (again!) and had some curly fries plus Rootbeer float at A&W's… Me and Randy went off for an hour of Thai Foot Massage… It's cheap and super shiok-adelic!!! I fell right asleep…   

After all that, we had an early dinner at Makko Nonya Restaurant (another Peranakan restaurant along the same stretch as Ole Sayang) before driving back home… 

Since it was only 6pm, the restaurant was empty...

However, after we ordered our food, a huge crowd swamped in and filled up the restaurant.
We ordered:
Curry Prawns
Sambal Kang Kong
Chinchalok Omelette
Chap Chye... Not as good as the one at Ole Sayang.. :(
Ngoh Hiang - Fried Prawn Roll
Toufu with dried shrimp topping
Salted Duck Soup (Tasteless… Just a bowl of very sour soup. Ole Sayang's was much better!!!)
Beef Rendang

Overall, Makko was more expensive, less tasty and slower in service. 

Randy's very happy in Melaka coz it's minimal shopping but maximum eating! It's definitely a place where he wants to drive up again for a food escapade…. 

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