Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Back to the good old me...

Disclaimer upfront. This is a narcissistic post about myself. hahaah. Don't puke. 

I have FINALLY gone back to my short hairdo!!! So glad... I had kept my hair long for way too long.. 1 yr prior to our wedding so I could hide my face when I walked down the aisle, and 2 years after (coz I got pregnant and I became too much of a procrastinator to go to the salon...)

I rem someone mentioned that whenever a person makes a drastic haircut, it usually comes with a big change in their lives. For me, it's motherhood and the practicality of having more manageable short hair.
When I came home with this new cut that day, Diddy's first reaction was, "Wah cut hair. Trying to look like your poly days when I first dated you izzit?" Haaaa....

Us, in our younger days - a few years ago (when Diddy was significantly slimmer)...

My short hair in 2006...

While digging out photos of my old hairstyles, I found these cool photos... So fun, I love looking thru old pics...!!!
Took these photos on a company incentive trip to Korea.. It was memorable coz all the photos were wiped out on the flight back home when the SD card crashed. I managed to "steal" some of the memories from my colleague's SD card. 

At LSBC's family day - year 2005
Happy with my good ol' short hair!!!! :)

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