Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Eleven July 2011

We celebrated our wedding anniversary yesterday on the 11th July. We are officially married for 2 years!

We had wanted to dine french at Au Petit Salut without a reservation (yea yea, laugh out loud... We were silly enough to think that we could get a table by walking in...) We were turned away of coz and decided to head to Pontini for italian instead.

Previously we always have nice romantic dinners on special occasions... As we need to pick the little caterpillar from the nanny's at night (romantic dinners and strollers in restaurants don't associate), this time we changed from our usual and did our celebratory meal over lunch instead.
Which was good coz there were set lunches offered at a cheaper deal...

Bread basket
Kara's 1st course: Spelt Soup
Diddy's 1st course: Mushroom soup
Kara's main: Braised beef with risotto 
( Beef was tender & so yumz... Risotto was nice & creamy)
Diddy's main: King prawn pasta
It was a nice quiet lunch we enjoyed before rushing back to work again.......

Kara's dessert: Warm Apple Cake
 (with vanilla bean ice cream)
Pontini wasn't as yummilicious as how I had it previously. :(
But I guess it was the company that mattered... 2 years from our wedding day, we are still as sure as ever that we are each other's for keeps... Though we may disagree, may fight, may be upset... But we will always stay together to work through all the hurdles and stress that may come our way. Give and take - Cha cha style!
Next celebration, I will aim to go for Au Petit Salut, but with a reservation!!!!!

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