Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Turning 28 (Part I)

I celebrated my 28th year old birthday a few days back... Dee & I always get into big arguments (I'm exaggerating) over what we did and gave each other for anniversaries/birthday. Thankfully the recent years that I've been blogging, there is now EVIDENCE.

Starting on birthday presents... I've been quite happy with my outdated Nokia phone though the whole world have already been "iphone-ified"... I know I don't look like it but I'm actually quite content to live with simple things... But Dee, tech-savvy as he is, decided that I need to be upgraded.

So here's my latest techno... The iPhone... I can now be on Facebook more often... HEHEHE... :)
 Thanks for the present, love love... :)

 As my bd fell on a Sunday this year, I had the pleasure of celebrating it with a few friends after church... We lunched at District 10 at the defunct Monk's Hill Secondary School.

As Ashley was out since early morning, the combination of no-sleep plus trapped gas created a very unhappy infant. Hence the photos started from desserts as I was too stressed up to eat, much less to take photos of the earlier courses...

Dear friends, thanks for the naicce surprise... :)
The evil me wished that I had re-wound the clock and didn't have a baby so I could enjoy a birthday meal. But a part of me would have wanted to celebrate my birthday with Ashley irregardless of whether my parma ham pizza was swallowed or chewed - because she is precious to me and I really wanna celebrate this special day with the people I love. 

That's the motherly side of myself that I've discovered that day.
Also to Daddy Randy... Though we didn't manage to go for dinner that night as you've planned, you are still a great hubby. Your pasta was all cold by the time you came back from trying to put her to sleep, just so I could enjoy my birthday lunch.. That gesture was far greater than any swanky meal..
 And to the wonderful friends I have... Thanks for attempting to calm a crying baby... You guys had to take turns to play parents...
Here comes the fun part.. Sharing SWEETS!!!

White Chocolate & Passion Fruit Cheese Cake
Served with wild berry compote
 Homemade Obama Pancakes
Served with maple syrup and fresh fruits
 Homemade Profiteroles
Served with vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce
 Warm Apple Tart
Served with butterscotch, panacota and vanilla ice cream   
 District 10 Chocolate Sundae
With roasted nuts
A friend wrote on my FB wall: Happy bday! for hence forth your children will be choosing your cakes. :0)
I had wanted to have my 1st kid before my 28th... And I did..This may likely be the last candle I may be blowing out before Ashley takes over the cakes!

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