Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Bottlefeeding battle

We've been fighting a long and hard battle with bottle-feeding the baby. It had been a tiring + stressful + traumatising experience for both baby and us. Up till now (almost 8 months coming) she's still screaming and crying hard whenever the bottle teat touches her mouth - imagine a baby struggling like we're feeding her poison, that's the exact scene u get. So much so that we've grown evasive about ever mentioning or talking attempting bottlefeeds.

But I'm pleased to announce that on 22nd Oct (sat) we've finally gained VICTORY! We stayed home all day to "starve" the baby. And eventually, at 3pm, she caved in to hunger and decided to snack a little from the bottle. She drank about 50ml. But that was good enough.
It was such a breakthrough, I feel such a sense of relief! From then on, she was able to accept that bottlefeeding doesn't only come from the nanny!