Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

2011 X'mas-ing (Part 1)

We started our X'mas feasting on the 23rd... :)

Prep-ed a simple meal for Carlos and Agata...

 My "diva" puff hair - due to the cooking and baby-minding, I forgot to fix it... Haaa
 It's cool nowadays coz we can eat and Ashley can dandle her legs in the high chair...
 It was nice exchanging stories with them and enjoying some early X'mas food!
And on the 24th, it was X'mas partay at Matt's - which has now became a tradition...

Even Ashley knows it's time to celebrate with some booze...
Ashley and her Mama(s)... I like this photo... The 3 of us look great!

 We didn't get a X'mas tree so I decided to dress Ashley up looking like one!
 Blogspot's giving me a little trouble uploading pictures so I've gotta break this post into 2 parts... Part 2 of our feasting in my next post!

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