Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Friday, December 9, 2011

Thank God for friends

It is always nice to have friends come over to keep company when Diddy is away on long travel trips! Before Ashley came along, we used to hang out for dinners on fri night (our now defunct: Friday Night Club)... But it's been a big challenge to manage bringing Ashley out (especially late) on my own... So the girls came over to Cosy Bay to hang out over popcorn and gossips!!!

We chatted about crushes (for the unmarried girls), hot news etc and got updated about each other's lives. So fun...

Then someone started looking like she has heart-shaped eyes while telling her story... *Love is in the air* So instantaneously we followed suit (pictured below)->
Fluttering legs and dreamy eyes

 Here's Godpa - the hero who carries Ashley on Sundays when daddy is away...

 We visited Cohen a few sundays ago... And here's uncle Desmond with Ash... And Ash showing off her flying kick...!!!

The good part about having friends is they help take turns to relieve your achy arms... But the downside is, they toss your baby like a toy!

Still.... Thank God for them!

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