Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

9 days without papa

Daddy went to China for 9 days in early Jan. Thankfully yee yee stayed over a couple of nights to help out!
Me and yee yee.. 
Off to Plaza Sg, while yee yee goes fir her saxophone classes, me and mummy goes shopping.... weeee!!!!
I'm 10 months by now and I've learnt what it means to play peek-a-boo!

When mummy went to check out some stuff for a while, here's what yee yee did to entertain me (or rather herself)....

And when mummy came back in a few mins, yee yee showed her these photos (which got mummy trying to guess what exactly did yee yee give baby to play with):

1) Baby wielding a light sabre!!!
 2) Haiyaakkk!!! *Check out my serious face*
 3) Magic's greatest secret revealed... Weapon = dolphin balloon
We kept laughing looking at the photos. Super hilarious! Thankful for my sis who endured sleeping in my living room for nights with a barking dog in the background... I think Ashley is happy when yee yee goes out with her coz she gets new toys!!! Love love u, yee yee...

And since Randy was away (no government), I took the chance to buy the pair of $159 pumps that I've been eyeing for a long time! I tried asking but he wouldn't let me buy them.. So since he's not around, I decided to incentivise myself with this comfy pair of soles... Heeheehee...

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