Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

CNY 2012 - Part 2

Day 2 of CNY: We visited the Chia's and had another kids playgroup time!
Mummy Ade is superwoman, she cooked dinner for the adults and yummy porridge for the babies! So blessed by their friendship... <3

 Super duper mummy and the 3 kids
 The TWINS again! Love love love to see them in a shot! Cute TTM!
 Secret to getting a shot like this? Dangling snacks above the camera!
There were a few funny moments where the 2 girls caught us offguard! Ashley started to scream and while the adults pacified her, in a split sec, the other bunny quickly crawled into the room and poof out of our sight! I think it's a conspiracy.

Pictured left: Raeanne saying to Ashley: "Hey Ashley, while you scream, I will go for the chocolates..."
Pictured right: Mission accomplished. Let's share the loot.
 Not to miss out Reyes...
Look at Ashley's hair? Crazy messy from having too much fun!
 Left pic) Ashley: Raeanne, lemme give u a hugggg....
Right pic) Raeanne: Noooo!!! Daddy save me!!!!
 Let's play head bangers!
 Raeanne posing sweetly for the shot, while Ashley poses with her flying kick!
The adults were roaring with laughter while trying to get a good pic...!
So wonderful to have friends like them... :)

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