Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Monday, February 14, 2011

CNY- Super lovin' Steamboat!

Happy Bunny Year to everyone!!! 
(yea, i know it's way into the new year but the Lunar New Year festivity is not over yet!)

Just back-blogging what we did for LNY…

1) We started with an awesome steamboat dinner at Matt's… It's so nice to have "reunion dinner" with the entire cell coz it's eating with our 2nd family…!!!

Some special appearances @ dinner: Carlos & Agata
Shian Wen

Lo Hei!
Our crackers-covered Yu Sheng...
Roasted Suckling Pig (complimentary of Douglas)

Had a great time as usual… It's interesting how we've spent almost a decade doing stuff like these together!!!

2) This year's Lunar New Year was a great time of rest for the both of us… My in-laws went away for a winter holiday in Japan so we didn't have to shuffle 8 visitations a day for once!!! Though we weren't doing any heavy-duty visitations, the family reunion dinner is still a MUST for the rest of us who are still in Singapore….

I'm such a supermarket Queen (with a 9 months foetus in the tummy or not)… I conquered shuffling through a crazy pre-CNY eve crowd @ NTUC and shopping for the food by my own with the help of the trusty supermarket trolley… I was super tired from that shopping but still ALIVE!!!

I spent some time preparing the ingredients for the steamboat - which wasn't much since everyone's responsible for their own cooking… 
From left to right: Carlos, Agata, Cindy (Randy's sis), Randy, Mum, uncle Thomas, Yyn (Me and Ashley behind the camera)...

We had so much fun bonding with the 2 dogs and spending quality time playing with them and grooming them… Cookie slept with us throughout the 4 days of CNY… (He wasn't allowed on the bed previously)

The little bugger enjoyed rolling under the comforter, digging him way under the pillows from one end of the bed to the other, sleeping under Randy's left armpits, snoring loudly beside my ears and hiding under the comforter when the aircon got too cold in the nights… 

And in the morning, I find him sleeping on my pillow and myself being shoved off it… -_-|||
We SUPER LOVE him… :)

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