Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

New Cosy - key collection day

This is our new Cosy Bay! 

After 3.5 years of waiting, our block is done and we're finally able to breathe in a breath of construction dust from the lobby level… (Pictured right: View of the still-under-construction garden from the top view)

We were dying of excitement, so much so that we arrived 2 hrs ahead of our scheduled appointment, hoping to get hold of the keys ASAP!

Bunches and bunches of keys in an ugly leather clutch 
 Grand opening ceremony!!!

The new gates have got the blocked-out area at the bottom. Perfecto! Now my doggie can't attempt to go to work with Daddy by squeezing through the gap… Hehehe….
Living Room
Living Room (Window Bay)
Master Bedroom
Ashley's Room
Walk-in Wardrobe

Up side: Can't wait for reno to get cracking and start BUILDING our dream home!!! 
Down side: After doing some cost simulation, we realised that we're going to be REALLY REALLY dead broke by the time everything is up. :( 

Gotta trim down the frills and whatever unnecessaries to keep to the budget… Plus the arrival of Ashley, just praying that everything will suffice! No traveling and shopping for 2011!


  1. Hi!
    Really nice flat, congrats :). I am sure Ashley will enjoy soon the white walls to develop her creativity.
    Have a nice week!

  2. yea, hopefully u and Agata can come over 4 dinner at the new cosy soon!!!
    Oh no, Ashley's room will be special… We will paint it all BLACK. HAHAHA… ;)
