Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Week 37… Almost due!

I'm week 37 into the pregnancy… This is the last leg of the race and I'm almost reaching the end line. Should I say time flies? Gynae visits are once a week now and this week at the doc, I had to do a bacterial test… Which involved the doc checking the blackhole and resulting in her announcing this:

"You are 3cm dilated. It could be ANYTIME."

Me: (unprepared to the max…) Huh?! Oh no, should I take leave tommorrow?!!! 

Gynae: No, you can probably start your leave a week before your due date… 

For a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts at that moment, it left me a lil' confused about being 3cm dilated but still having 2 weeks more to go. I did a lil' research (as what I did to verify any old-wife tale or any unfounded tradition with my "googling"), it could happen anytime from now till 2-3 weeks later. Being 3cm dilated doesn't mean I have to go straight into the labour room. *PHEW!*

Here's Ashley… The left-side view of her face… Can you see her eyes, nose and juicy lips? Her lil' fingers are under her chin… 

At the time of this scan, she's weighing in at 2.4kg, doc says she's too light-weight and I need to eat more… I'm trying! My stomach is so compressed now, I can't digest well… But I guess I gotta think like a liver pate and FORCE-FEED myself!!!!

Anyways she needs to go up to a min. of 2.5kg during delivery… Shouldn't be too hard!

This is the front view… Her eyes are closed… The key is to use your imagination to figure the scan out… hehe...
We signed up for pre-natal classes too late and the lady told me that we may not be able to finish through the 6-session course. 
We went through 3 classes of exercising, massage, nutrition and diet… We're into the 4th class this week and the course teacher (Wong Boi Boh) covered how to care for baby. It was cool coz each couple had a fake baby to play with. The fake baby we had was a boy so I decided to name him McVicker.

Daddy Randy feeding McVicker a sip of bubble tea… 

Baby McVicker - Miami-inked with a tattoo

Me and my karate kid… 

Learnt: How to burp baby, Holding baby correctly, Diapers changing, bathing baby, swaddling…

Classes are very beneficial!!! 

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