Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Monday, February 28, 2011

Cookie turns 1!!!

Cookie is a big boy now!!! Our doggie turned ONE on 23rd Feb (SEVEN years old in doggie years)… 
After work, I rushed to NEX Mall to buy him a doggie birthday cake… 

Papa and Cookie with his silly party hat

Cookie looking kooky
"Chocolate" cake… Yumz...
At the speed he was licking up the cake, we were seriously worried he might choke!
It was fun to watch him with all that cream on his whiskers! Like a kid with an ice-cream… :)

His present - a new feeding bowl!
After the celebration, we brought him to East Coast Park for a walk… He was so happy and excited! 

We're quite sure that it was the HAPPIEST DAY OF HIS LIFE - more-than-usual snacks, an entire cake to himself, plus late night walk at the park and countless kisses from mama… 


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