Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Ashley - Proclaiming His Love

We've just entered a new chapter in our lives on the 4th March 2011 at 10.20am - as proud parents of Ashley Chan Xuan Ai. :)

Why the name
Ashley = variation of Ash tree (from wikipedia) 
Ash tree - The wood is hard, tough and very strong but elastic, extensively used for making bows, tool handles and other uses demanding high strength and resilienceIt is also often used as material for electric guitar bodies and, less commonly, for acoustic guitar bodies, known for its bright, cutting tone and sustaining quality. 
- High strength and resilience (person who doesn't crumble easily) but elastic (flexible to ideas)… That's what I hope her character will be...

Chan = surname

Xuan Ai = english translation: Proclaim Love… We decided on this chinese name for her as we envision her to be one who proclaims Christ's Love for her in all aspects of her life. 

I am going to blog about the history of events, so Ashley can read all about it when she grows up!

At week 37, I was 3cm dilated the week before Ashley came, and gynae's verdict was "anytime now"… So on the 3rd March (week 38) I went back to the doc and after checking she thinks that it'll be a good time to deliver Ashley since my waterbag level was borderline and baby was estimated at 2.7kg.

Doc told me to admit myself to the hospital on the same night and they would induce me for delivery the next day. I left the clinic at about 10am in the morning, swung downstairs to say hi to my godbrother's wife who just gave birth the same morning… 

I drove off to Novena Square to buy some stuff for packing my hospital bag, went back to the office to settle all my work, got home, cleaned up the kitchen for the confinement nanny, had dinner, did more last min shopping for pots and pans and arrived at the hospital at 11pm. 

12pm - Paperwork at the hospital done. I was finally settled into the ward and was given a tablet to start the ball rollin'. It would take till the next morning to feel contractions coming. I slept through the night. 

7am - Hospital's breakfast + extra McDonald's bought by Diddy. Getting ready to head to labour room

8am - Lying in observatory room in the labour ward, contractions are starting but slowly

took a snapshot in between contractions

9.20am - Doc arrives to burst waterbag and said she'll come back in the afternoon. Dilated 4cm. Contractions intensifies. 

9.50am - Pain was crazy. I was thinking I couldn't last past noon if this persists. I thought about epidural and decided to give up my resolve to give birth "chemical free". I told Randy to get nurse to give me the epidural. I was shivering in pain and signed the papers for it.

10am - A few mins after the nurse left to call for the anaesthetist, a sudden urge came and I felt my sides pushing the baby out. Randy thought I was kidding but I told him to call the nurse. Nurses came, and found that I was 10cm dilated and ready to deliver. I went from 4cm to 10cm in less than an hour and shocked the heck out of them coz none of them expected it to be this soon, moreover a first-timer.
(FYI - most people dilate 1-2cm per hour)

Nurse: Wah! How come so fast!!! Quickly call the doctor!!! And cancel the epidural!

Me: Oh no, the thing keeps wanting to push!!

Nurse: No! You don't push!!! You hold!

In a whirlwind of movements, I was pushed from the observatory ward to the delivery suite. 

10.10am - A line of cheerleaders stood facing my ehhhemmm, with full view of my morning glory. PUSH!!! HARDER!!! Breathe and BLOW BLOW BLOW!!! I was pushing with the guts of me. 

10.20am - And then we heard a loud cry… Ashley was born in 2 hours total labour time. 
The super experienced midwife tying up Ashley's umbilical cord.

The best cheerleading award goes to Daddy! He was the best birth companion you can ever find. Throughout he keep telling me to breathe, not to fight the pain and to relax… Even when he saw that I was in pain, he did not tell me to go for epidural as he wanted to support my decision to go chemical free.
Measuring her weight - 2.455 Kg
Circumference of her head
Back in the hospital ward.. The nurses were kind and supportive.

God's love was there with us throughout the entire journey. Firstly, I had a very smooth pregnancy. 
He knew what I had wished for my ideal birthplan - Short labour, no epidural, no episotomy (epistomy -> to avoid tearing, usually the doc would cut a slit to allow the baby to exit)

My labour lasted only 2 hours, I didn't require the epidural, and doc didn't cut me there but I had just a slight tear which was stitched up. 

God was really good to me and answered everything I had wished for. We want to proclaim His love for our family. :)


  1. Thank you for sharing the story of you both and Ashley... she is so cute.. :)
