Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

8 weeks coming

It seems like time flies… Looking at Ashley, my colleagues think that she's only a month old when she's already coming to 8 weeks old now. Maybe it didn't feel like I've been too long away from my desk! 
In fact, I can honestly say that these 7+ weeks were one of the toughest days in my life! I had a rough 1st month - breastfeeding was a big painful challenge, not to mention tiring. The lack of proper sleep at night was tipping both me and Diddy's temper over, and to add to the already very stressful situation, we attempted to pack, clean, unpack for our big move to the New Cosy. My confinement nanny was a little bothered by me bending & squatting to pack our stuff for the move.
It was crazy, I had many meltdowns and I thought I was going nuts. Thankfully it's all over and we've finally settled into our new home. Ashley has certainly grown much bigger since the first time we held her in our arms!

@ 2 days old (2.45 kg)
@ 2 weeks
 @ week 5
 @ week 6

Last weigh-in at the pediatrician @ week 7+: Ashley is 4.5 kg
I've finally mustered enough courage to trim her nails! Seriously, I never thought bathing a baby or trimming their calcium un-enriched nails could be so difficult!
When my friend told me how her memory got lousier after giving birth, I thought she meant it as a joke. But when I repeatedly forget to bring the towel to the washroom to bathe Ashley, I'm starting to think there's some truth in what she said. :(

Before Ashley came, me & Diddy always thought we could handle a baby well. How hard could parenting be? How different can it be from dog-training?

We were seriously humbled. Especially when we run out of means to stop a crying baby (u see, dogs dun cry incessantly. They stop when u whip out a doggie snack)... There was so much to learn about caring for an infant!
Things like how to carry your baby in a baby sling... (photo taken by my friend Carlos)

Changing their diapers at superhuman speed before the next poo poo shoots out and soil your tee shirt...
Currently we're working on re-training Ashley (un-learning all the bad habits she's picked up the past few weeks) and putting her into a "flexible schedule"... I'm so excited coz I see things turning out well. She's been sleeping 6-7 hrs in the night! Thank God for that... Gonna continue the training regime this week...

Wish us all the best!!!

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