Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ashley & the Wan brothers

I have officially return to work (my 4 months maternity leave has expired) and boy I'm thankful I'm still alive. Having to wake up 2 hrs earlier than what I was previously used to, send Ashley to nanny's, lug a heavy breast pump to work, expressing every few hours and storing EBM for transporting home later on, pick the lil' caterpillar back from nanny's.... It's all VERY VERY tiring!!!

The fri before I returned to work, I brought Ashley to Limiin's place to hang out with her boys. Her hubby is outstationed for business and Diddy was still in Paris. So the 2 mums decided to combine power.
Baby Wan & Kiddo Wan
So cute... Zeph is such a happy, content infant!
Then we attempted the impossible. Getting all 3 of them in one photo...
Zeph wanted to play with Ashley but she felt violated and burst into tears... Hahahah
At 3.5 months apart, Zeph is her new friend who is closest to her age (till the rest of the 2011 bunny babies arrive...)
Ashley: Hmppppttt!!!
Zeph: Ashley, don't be angry anymore kay?

This time, the mummies managed to get about half an hour to chew our food while the kiddos sleep. When I look at Limiin, I think she's super SAHM. Caring for 1 hyperactive kid plus an infant is no joke. Imagine the mayhem. Hurray to POWER MUMMIES!

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