Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Naughty naughty

Cookie, cookie, cookie... Do u know how much Mama loves you?

Even though u are always so naughty and barks at the sound of the doorbell... Even though you enjoy tearing up newspapers and chewing up everything in sight.

Now that Ashley is with nanny in the afternoons, mama gets to walk u in the park! Passerbys are amused are how you can sit at one spot while I walk far far away and run at the speed of a fat pug when I shout "go".

Remember how you love to sleep with us before baby came? Sticking your blackhead under my pillow and waking me up many times in the night?
 And snuggling under the sheets with mama and papa?
 And sleeping in daddy's armpit....?
Till you snore and wake him up too?!

 Poor Cookie... You are now homed in the service yard till Ashley is ready to fight u!
 Or maybe she'll become your protector?
Love, love, love you... You will always be mama's little puppy...

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