Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Bunny babies!!!

The year 2009 that we got married, it was wedding boom... At least 5 couples we knew got married that year. And in 2011, when we were expecting Ashley's arrival, it was baby boom year.

Just when I thought that there wasn't many 2011 mummies to share my experience with, I find out that there are more and more friends expecting (all due by the "bunny year")...! So here are the bunny babies that may likely cross path with Ashley in children church, kindergarten/primary/secondary school.... :)

In chronological order:
1) Raeanne Chia 
(My godbrother Jimmy & his wife Ade's precious princess)
03 March 2011

2) Ashley Chan
(Our little caterpillar)
04 March 2011

3) Rebecca Tay
(ex classmate Brandon's princess - he & wife attended the same prenatal class as us)
24 May 2011

4) Branson
(My ex-colleague Joey's bundle of joy)
03 July 2011
 5) Nathanael Leung
(Andrew & Kelly's handsome prince)
07 July 2011

6) Aaron Lee
(James & Sharon's little cutie)
 21 July 2011

7) Jamie Zheng
(James & Germaine rosy princess)
28 July 2011

8) Alyssa
(Cousin Michele's addition to our noisy family)
29 July 2011

More to come (really soon!):
9) Nelson & Rebecca's - Aug
10) Kennie's (my colleague) - Aug (boy)
11) Isaac & Mabel's - Nov/Dec (boy)
12) Cynthia & Matt's - Dec (boy)
13) Cousin Erik & wife Serina - Dec 

13 bunnies and counting!!!! I think it'll be super interesting if Ashley really cross paths with any of the non-church babies mentioned above and realise that her mummy actually know their dad/mom!

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