Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Friday, August 12, 2011

Gymnast in the making!!!

Ashley's fast becoming agile! 
It's quite amazing how they grow. One day they're lying on the bed with their arms glued to their sides and the next day the arms can suddenly wave. 

At week 24, Ashley can:
1) roll from her back to lying on her tummy
2) grab both her feet with her hands (and tries to chew em')
3) do crunches
4) recognise mama by sight

Few days back, Daddy had her on his lap, bouncing... I walked across the room and right past her without chirping a "hello"... Her eyes followed and when I was out of sight, she cried with a look on her face that read "mama, what about me?!" And once I carried her she stopped... She's indeed grown up...

Caught on cam: While dad was waiting for his "dabao" dinner, Ash decides to do a banana split
Pearlyn caught this photo of Ash doing crunches... It was super funny, we sat there and watched her crunching to a beat, over and over again... 
 This was the pic where she heaved a loud sigh after that excruciating crunch... Super funny...!

I'm so excited coz tomorrow we're gonna start her on solids!!! I wonder how she'll react?

Staring at my food and looking longingly at daddy's drink... She's ready!!!
Yesterday night, I allowed her to lick off my freshly cut mango cube. She looked like she really liked it... Let's hope she'll not be a fussy eater and be a garbage eater like me!

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