Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Saturday, August 27, 2011

More gymnast moves!!!

Just when I thought we had a perfect shot of Ashley doing a U-shaped crunch, here's more photos of her crunching and crunching to a beat! Gotta check out her super serious facial expressions... Super funny!

 Legs tighten, arms clenched, CRUNCH!
 One more, arms straightened!!! Power crunch!!!

Here's how she crunched and crunched with a cheerleading squad in the background!
Initially I had thought that every baby goes through this "crunching stage", just like crawling -> walking -> talking... After chatting to a few mums, I realised that not every baby enjoys training for a 6-pack in the gym. Ashley, u are indeed a funny girl.

Here's another funny pic i snapped of her... She fell asleep in this pose - grabbing her right foot!
 It's getting more and more fun to play with her... :) Now that she's 6 months old, she's crying much less, becoming more sociable and smiles sweetly at me when I drive her around...

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