Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Mooncake festival

This year's mooncake festival was a little lonelier than usual... Did not manage to melt some candles at the park or stroll around with a burning paper lantern coz Diddy was on business trip to Shanghai and I  was alone with the baby on the day itself.

By now, I know better than to bring a sleepy baby to a badly-lited park on a warm night and mess with her bedtime. This I learn through many crazy attempts staying out way too long outside or too late into the night. I guess I had to give up my chances of being a kid and wait till my baby grows up into a kid herself. By then we can both be kids and burn down lanterns to our heart's delight! YAY!

So here's me making the most joy of whatever's available at home... Eating PLAY DOH!!!!!
 The snowskin mooncakes from TCC are surprisingly delish!!! The snowskin is chewy and thin...

Left to right: Alluring Bailey's D'Truffle and Enchanted Berries D'Truffle
Mooncake in focus: Sheraton's Snowskin Mooncake with Champagne Truffle

 Japanese Crepes - green tea with sweet potato, purple sweet potato crepe and chestnut with sweet potato crepe
The happy part was I got to enjoy all these sweets with my sis who came over for a little while to share in the babysitting duties... Actually I think she was happier, she got to eat up all the mooncakes while I was putting the baby to bed!

I dread days alone with the kiddo while daddy is away... It makes me wonder how single mums raise up kids on their own. Must be a crazy challenge.

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