Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Our determination... To EAT!

Nothing can stand in the way between us and food... Not even an infant! Hah, if only that was true...

Throughout these 6.5 months, we've discovered that many of our favourite eat-outs are sadly not Ashley's favourite (no space for stroller, too hot etc etc) hence that propelled us to hunt down "child-friendly" eateries and hangouts. We had always thought that even with a baby, our lives wouldn't change by much. How wrong we were! The truth is no matter how much we can try to keep to our previous lifestyle, some things gotta give to accommodate an infant. 

I hope I'm not too presumptuous to say that the following considerations run through every parents' mind:
1) Is it gonna be easy access for the stroller? (Lift landing, car park etc)
2) Can the stroller fit in the restaurant? Or do they have baby seats?
3) Is it too hot & sweaty or noisy that may cause extreme discomfort for a baby?
4) (applicable for breastfeeding mums) Is there a nursing room nearby for feedings?
5) The food has to be easy to swallow (parents with infants & toddlers do not eat, they simply swallow) - no hot soups, steamboats etc...  

I've learned empathy coz it takes a person to become a parent to understand another parent. Now I don't furrow my brows at crazy crying babies coz I have one of my own and I have special respect for parents who attempt to eat out with 2 kids and more. 

Nowadays, when we find a good "child-friendly" place to eat, we keep going back!

Here's Ashley looking happy at our choice of eat-out!
 Sushi is a good bet coz you don't have to worry that they turn cold since they ARE served cold... ;)

Eating out is getting better for us since Ashley is able to sit in the baby chair... It buys us enough time to finish up appetizers till she gets bored and wanna bail out of the seat...
Gonna continue to figure out more strategies to get more food down the throat!!!!

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