Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Great Wall of China

Yay... I'm so relieved that it's the end of my 9 days "marathon" today! Diddy was away in China for a super long biz trip... I dunno how I survived 9 crazy days of shuffling a baby to nanny, rush to work, rush home, clean dog, rush to pick baby, having only 5 hrs of very interrupted daily sleep....

The drama started early. I brought Cookie to the groomer, dog went loose, I chased him and had a fall on a rough pavement.
This is just about a great way to start my "marathon"... *roll eyes* To make it worse, Ashley was kicking and poking my wounds in the night and squatting up and down to clean doggie was painful... Frustrated at myself to the max... :(

Thankfully my sis kept us company over the Sat & Sun weekend and that really helped to ease the burden... We went to NEX on one day and ION Orchard on another...

We did a nice trip to NEX on Sat. The linkbridge between the carpark above the bus interchange and NEX is ready, which makes it's easier to bring a stroller. I never wanted to bring a baby prior to this coz the parking in NEX itself is a living nightmare.

It's definitely easier to keep a baby entertained by walking around the mall (it's not an excuse for me to go window shopping!) That instantly burn 3 hours on a full baby-sitting day... :)

On Sunday, I single-handedly brought Ashley to church. It was a bit of a mayhem and I got to church late. Her diaper leaked and she pee-ed all over the bed when I was in the service yard cleaning the dog. When I removed her diaper to clean her up, she pee-ed again, this time all over the floor. Mental breakdown! It was so tough I felt like crying. But I told myself it's okay, I can do it. And I did.

Thankful for friends like Ebel and Li-En who lent me their arms during service. A friend in need is a friend indeed. It's nice to have helpful friends. :)

Burned the afternoon walking around ION. Ashley had a chance at Atascaderos retail therapy. See, she even bought macaroons from TWG!

The initial few days was tiring coz Cookie was constantly miscue-peeing, which made cleaning him up a nightmare. Drama unfolds on a daily basis... This morning, as I make a quick dash for a pee before I prepared for work, Ashley was on my bed watching her morning entertainment... I heard a loud thud and 2 secs later a loud shrieking wail...

Poor humpty dumpty fell off the wall, rolled right off the bed and onto the floor. I panicked and rushed to hug her. But she was really hurting and I just kept walking her around the house, singing and comforting her.

So now, I am more wary of leaving her alone on the bed. Here's how the Great Wall of China is built:
... through fear and bad experiences...

To say the truth, I am still thankful to God throughout this episode. I had very little sleep these 9 days but surprisingly I did not get sleepy spells during the day.

I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me

Thank u papa for strengthening me when I am weak.

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