Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Ashley lovin' her mush

We started Ashley on solid foods when she was about 5 months old - right when she started looking longingly at us eating, drooling, hungry before next feeds.

We didn't have much difficulty weaning her, in fact she took to food like a fish to water. She's nearing her 8th month now and still looks forward to her meal times to explore more different tastes and textures!

Initially, there were many different views and methods to start the weaning process... I didn't know how to begin! I decided to start with diluted baby rice during the first 2 weeks... 

Thereafter, thickening the feeds and I also prepared my own veggie purees to mix into the baby rice... Which was easy if you had a fantastic steamer-blender!
One of my good friend was raving about this gadget saying that it's very simple to prepare. Just place your chopped food into the gadget to steam, once it's done, flip it over and blend! It's so fun and simple that I enjoy planning what to cook for Ash every week!

 Last week I started to introduce the oatmeal version. Nanny says she LOVES it. Much more than rice. Nanny cooked a very yummy bowl of our usual chinese white rice porridge for her and faced rejection. Ash doesn't like it at all. Guess I just have to stick to the same cereal for her...

So far for the veggies she's tried :
1) Carrots
2) Broccoli
3) Sweet potato
4) Potatoes

Glad to say she likes them! (That's of course mixing them into the cereal + breastmilk... Eating them alone will still take some time getting used to)

I made some apple and pear puree, which were yummy sweet! And guess what?! She started gagging and made loud vomiting sounds like I was feeding her poison. I seriously don't understand what's so yucky about fruits when you can accept smelly veggies like broccoli. She definitely doesn't have a sweet tooth, unlike me.

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