Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

New tricks at 7 - 8 months!

Ashley has been up to many different tricks and her antics entertain us much...!

At 7 months old, she knew how to wash her hands. It's really amusing coz whenever I bring her with me to the bathroom to wash my feet, she would automatically raise her hand towards the running water.

And at 7.5 months, super nanny had trained her to wave goodbye! I didn't manage to catch it on tape till last week...

During the weekends, I drove her alone to Vivo city to meet up with my sis for lunch. While driving I called my sis and I ended the call saying "yea I'll call you when I reach the carpark. Bye bye". The next thing I knew, the little funny bone was waving "bye".
She has certainly learnt how to wave bye but has yet figured out when it's said to her... Haaa....

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