Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Friday, December 9, 2011

Updates on Ashley - She's 9 months already!

I've been super duper busy!!! Haven't been touching my blog for almost a month!

Ashley has turned 9 months old a few days back! I think she's still quite a tweenie... When strangers see her, they would ask me if she's just turned 6 months.... -_-|||

My cousin's baby, Alyssa has just turned 4 months and all my relatives are talking about how Ash and Alyssa are about the same size... I think Ash takes after my size while Alyssa take after my cousin, who is tall...

Here's Ash looking boyish in a cap....

Girly in the hairclip...

 In her PJs...

 I hope Ashley you see this photo when u grow up! Look what daddy did to u while u were sleeping!!!

 Some photos we took at Zeph's one year old bash... Didn't manage to catch any pics with the bd boy coz he was too popular... :(
 Ethan (s/o Melvin & Wendy) - turning blue!!!
 My current iphone display pic of me and Ash Ash.... Love love...
 In 3 more months she'll be turning one soon, just like Gor gor Zeph... :))

We didn't have much time to plan her 1st month celebration coz we were too busy shifting house at that time... So for her one year old birthday I'm gonna plan well and give her a nice party... That's my latest project for now... So exciting!!!!

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