Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"Only in China" & water scare!

We've been paranoid about many things when we shifted to Beijing. Food safety, air pollution, health concerns, crime etc. Some days are funny and we find much amusement in those weird scenes that we see.

GroceriesOnly in China, u can buy a box of eggs & the sizes differ by so much

Overhead bridges: Only in China, scooters/electric bikes/bicycles r allowed on overhead bridges n how they honk pedestrians to give way like they should rightfully be driving there. 

IKEA slogan: "Ikea is my home" - LITERALLY!
When we first got here and were heading to Ikea to shop for some furnitures for our new place, Diddy told me to be prepared for a surprise. 
photo credit: http://beijingfox.blogspot.com.au/2010/06/ikea.html

The locals were sleeping on the showroom sofas, beds, everywhere! They were climbing onto displays and resting comfortably - like it was their home! We've even heard stories of families bringing their own meals to the kitchen showroom to enjoy... Eye-opening experience!

Air pollution. We laugh to ourselves and think that things are so OTT when news from Sg hit the headlines with PSI index in the range of 60-80 (moderate). Here in BJ, we cheer and get out of the house when it's at moderate-range! Most of the time it's at 150-200 (Unhealthy/Very Unhealthy). Some days going to HAZARDOUS! To illustrate the contrast..... 

left photo: a good day, right photo: a "very unhealthy" day

However, some days are not so funny when you find out that your regular water supplier has been selling you fake water. We found out yesterday - after 5 long months that the happy, honest-looking guy that has been selling us our bottled mineral water has actually been giving us FAKEs!!!
Water dispensing machine

First, I found it fishy that the export supermarkets were selling these bottled water at RMB$16/bottle while we were pay RMB$21. And then somebody gave a water-authority website to check on the 20-digit serial number (on each bottle) if they were real/fake.
Label w serial number
We checked our bottles and realised they don't exist!
We have been drinking fake water all these while. Immediately we called the supplier. He sounded nervous and shifty and said he would come by the next day to "explain". The next day, he was late for many hours and refused to answer our calls. Finally we managed to get him to come over and he wanted to replace us with "real water" to compensate. Dishonesty! 

Diddy is mad coz he knew we had a toddler and pregnant woman at home and yet he still sold us (and at a higher price!) water-from-dunno-where. It could be from the drain for all we know. We will be going to report him!!! 

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