Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Monday, September 3, 2012

Maternity shoot - 2nd time round

So we've been deliberating about a maternity shoot for a while - largely coz all our wonderfully-talented photographer friends are all in Sg, leaving me, a freelance maternity-photographer wannabe stranded here alone. The truth is we're a little more conceited with the 2nd child - giving less attention, probably coz we've done it before and everything's all too familiar.  

Anyhows, I woke up on Sunday very determined to do a photoshoot of this pregnancy coz I had tonnes of nice ones with Ashley. So here's the challenge, we have the photographer who was going to be the subject of the shoot, an impatient hubby that wants to complete the shoot in less than half n hr and a hyperactive toddler that cannot take instructions or sit still long enough for the timer to snap. Oh, not to mention we did not have a tripod.

Equipments: My trusty Alpha (Canon 450D) and my Canon G12, Ashley's toy box (as a tripod)

So here are some of the best shots taken from our bedroom window!!! 

My tummy at week 33 (8.5 months)...
 We set the camera on timer mode, and started posing silly to ourselves...
 I liked that it looked like we had someone that was trying to pose us. Hahaha. My friend who did my 1st maternity shoot always laugh at how the 2 of us did all that smiling and kissing without him even telling us what to do. That's coz Randy has been assisting me on some of my clients' maternity shoots so he's already anticipating the next pose. HAH.
 Daddy: We're going for seconds and it's gonna be a dragon!
I'm pleasantly surprised at how gorgeous the lighting is from this window. Love the natural light!

 This was the first time in the entire 8.5 months I actually took a tape to measure my waist. Naturally I got a shock. I knew I was getting huge, but 38" wide?!


 I wished that the photographer aka my hubby would have told me to open my eyes in this photo. So I wouldn't look like I was dead... Hahaah...
 It was hard trying to get Ashley in the photos. She just wouldn't! She wanted to be behind the camera!
Here's what I meant!!!!  

Caption: All above photography done by Ashley Chan
To think I got her changed into this nice crochet dress. When I couldn't even get her in our pics... Sighs. 

 I really miss doing maternity shoots for mums-to-be. Before I left Singapore, I had a few ex-clients (who were expecting again) contacting me to shoot for them. But I was leaving and I was pregnant too so I couldn't though I would really love to. I'm still passionate about making mummies-with-a-bulge look their best in this beautiful season.

Anyways, another 4 weeks more to pop!!! Sometimes I feel sad, like I have not enjoyed my Ashley long enough in her current season of growth, where she's starting to talk, learn and play. And my 2nd one is coming and my attention has to be diverted. Then somedays we imagine the 2 kids, sitting on little chairs, about the same height and age having fun colouring their story books together. And bringing them to Disneyland Resort where both of them can enjoy at the same level since they will be 19 months apart in age gap.

Thankfully too, that this pregnancy is taking place while I'm not working full-time so I have time to spend with my Ash before 2nd bb comes. And also not having to rush back to a 9am-6pm workzone after 4 months...

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