Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A year shy from the big 30

I celebrated my 29th birthday yesterday... Diddy bought me my fav azuki matcha cake from Breadtalk which was a surprise. I didn't really expect to have a cake. It was a simple affair, but it was still very special to me to be celebrating with my very loved ones.

Left: Me and my new wig. Yea, I got bangs to reverse the fact that I'm growing another yr older.
Right: Ashley eyeing the cake but being polite enough not to grab it.
Left: Me and Ashley. Same time next year, I will have one kid in each arm with my cake.
Right: My helper, Xiao Yan. Who couldn't act very well to mask up the fact that Randy was outside the room with a cake. Haha

My birthday present!!!

Both of us took a day off (me from being a housewife, Diddy from going to the office) to spend the day together - just 2 of us. Thank God we have a good ayi that we can rest assure and leave Ashley alone with her.

We had lunch at the top-rated Japanese restaurant by Beijinger magazine - Hatsune
I kinda miss having good Jap food as fresh seafood, fish is rare in Beijing and if you know history well enough, you'll know how much the Chinese love the Japs. So good Jap food is not common fare.

It was nice to have a long quiet lunch, just the both of us. It meant we could eat, chew n swallow without worrying that Ashley would pull something off the dining table.

Diddy planned a nice surprise pre-natal massage at the very nice BODHI Spa... I've been aching all over and feeling uncomfortable trying to find a good sleeping position at nights. The expensive massage was such a treat!!!
And then we had a very royal sumptuous fit-for-a-Punjab-king dinner at the Marriott Hotel Beijing's Punjabi restaurant. Indian food always reminds us of home... :)




Garlic Naan!

Queen for a day!

Deep fried mushroom w cheese!
Fish curry

chicken curry!
One of the most eventful and fun days I've had in Beijing so far!!! :))

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