Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Home alone...

I'm home alone this few days as Hubby's away for business trip this week.

Yesterday my friend Limiin came over with 7 months old Zeph. It was quite funny actually. There we were, 2 hungry mums who haven't had lunch, with 2 crying infants who couldn't make themselves comfortable. We gulped our packet lunches and tried to pacify them in between trying to chat. Life of mums, only another mum would understand...

Photo taken by Limiin... I thought they looked so funny like that...!

And Zeph's such a cutie, he could hold his own milk bottle and doesn't cry much! I hope Ashley will be like that too...

I'm thankful for my sis, she volunteered to stayover at my place to offer an extra pair of hands to help around. It was good relief to have someone carry the baby while you get some other stuff done. My sis and I are like best friends though we are 4 yrs apart. That's why I hope that next time, Ashley will also have a younger sibling to bully, make him/her run errands and use as a scapegoat for any punishment. HAHAHAHA... 

Pics of me and my little sista:
 Obviously she didn't dig my singing. But I'm glad Ashley does (for now)... Hehehe. :)

On the other side of things, when Randy touched down in Beijing and checked into the hotel, he emailed me the following:

1) Dinner
 2) Hotel room
 3) Hotel Toilet
I emailed him this reply:
"Your room is disgusting!!! I've nv seen an uglier and dirtier hotel room than that!!!"

Hehehe...  ;)


  1. wa since young u know how to dress up already. not bad leh. ha. wa seems like beijing is good!! much much better than Viet. Miin

  2. ehhh, no lah... I was dressed by mum... In matching clothes as my sis! Hahahah...
    Randy said it's quite like Sg over there, hopefully it's true! Actually I like Viet lei... But maybe coz i'm tourist n only stay a few days... :P
