Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Week 12 and she's finally 3 months old!

Ashley's finally turning 3 months old tmr! Which also means that my 3 months transition period is up. 

I rem someone ever said that in every important life transitions (be it career shift, marriage, new school, new environment) the initial 3 months would be the toughest. Hence I gave myself 3 months to transist into the role of a mother and to adjust to a newborn. Some of my mummy friends have also encouraged me that babies start to cry lesser and settle faster when they hit the biggie 3. I don't think that has "magically" came true but I do see many improvements that have taken place.

The BEST thing Ashley has blessed us with is a good night's rest. She has been sleeping through the night since she was week 7. We are thankful that God gives this restless caterpillar good snooze time in the nights. Although 2 days back she started to wake at 4am (which startled & worried the both of us!) but thankfully last night she swung right back into her sleep routine. PHEW!

Baby Monitor - Our form of communication

I've been trying to apply all the parenting concepts daily. But it's so hard!

Haha, and guess what? Just when I've slowly adjusted to a 24/7 round-the-clock mothering job, it'll be expiry time for my maternity leave in a month. I'm really not complaining about that though, coz I think staying at home isn't really my cuppa tea. I am excited to put on those heels and head back to work!

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