Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Friday, May 6, 2011

Ashley & I love shopping!

There's been a couple of public holidays recently (Good Friday, Labour day) so we took the opportunity to bring Ashley shopping - it's not an excuse for me wanting to leave the house for a breather (hehehe).. We really needed to buy some stuff for her...

On Good Friday: 
We brought her out to Vivocity as we wanted to check out the various solutions available to entertain and pacify her in the day. She's spending more time being awake and when she's awake, she gets bored and starts to cry. I needed to see if I could buy a pair of strong arms from Mothercare to rock her.

Left: Sleepyhead catching a nap in the car seat before hitting the mall.
Right: My rare few photos taken with her...
 After checking out Toys'r us and Mothercare, we decided to buy her a cot mobile and an automatic swing. We figured that the swing would do the trick since nobody was willing to sell us their arms.

Left: Rainforest swing with rainforest ambient music and hanging toys
Right: Swing has 5 speeds. With speed 1 being for fainthearted infants and Speed 5 is the equivalent of the Viking ship... Hehehehe...
The hanging mobile with a lullaby tune. Quite effective on keeping her distracted.
And on Labour Day, we headed out again. This time to shop for a baby carrier coz Ashley's getting a lil' heavy for my shoulders in the baby sling. 

Here's dad, testing out Ashley in the carrier...
 And of course, a trip to Honeymoon Dessert... We had this in Hongkong during our last trip and I personally LOVE LOVE LOVE their desserts!!!

Kara's order: mixed fruits in toufu pudding & mango sauce

Randy's order: Mango Sago

To share: Mango mochi

 I'm quite happy to say that it tastes pretty close to the ones in Hongkong! Even the spoons and bowls are same as the ones there... This is my new FAV!


  1. yeah! Honeymoon desserts is Fab! thanks for the recommendation Sissy! I love my Mango black Glutinous rice ball in vanilla sauce!Yumz! I love the pic of u and Ashley tgthr! So pretty ^~^

  2. I love tt too! But the next round I'm gonna venture and try some of the others (except the durian varieties)!!! Let's go again?!!

  3. Okie Pookie Dookie Cookie! I want to try out the others too!! Im gonna bring MY BABY along too! Haha

  4. yes, u bring ur baby, i bring mine....

  5. Good taste! I love their dessert! Went twice and also brought my Aussie friends there (Who are here for a visit)!

    Ash looks so photocopy of Randy lah!

  6. Their desserts very good right!!!
    Yah, when i look @ Randy's baby photo, she really looks like him… Hahaha… Next time her husband will say I married a girl that looks like my father-in-law… :P
