Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

ZZzz time with Daddy

I snapped this pic of Daddy and Ashley some months ago.
Daddy was supposed to change baby's diapers and put her back in the cot.
When I came out of my bath, here's what I saw:
Daddy downloading the ZZzz bug to Ashley. 

Both of them were in such deep sleep, I see some similarity there.

 I wanted to blog abt it so Ashley can poke fun at daddy when she grows up and read this. Heehee...

Sleeping with daddy @ week 1

Another sleeping moment with daddy last Sat. Ashley's allowed on our bed only for her sleep time from 7am-10.30am (coz we're too lazy to put her into her cot after her morning feed)... :P

It's not fair. Dad gets all the nice shots with her. I need to get myself more photos with Ashley.

Daddy will be home really soon... We miss him much!

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